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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The "Dog-days" of Winter

I know that the "dog-days" are in summer!  I know all about the stars and WHY it's called the "dog-days" of summer...but on the farm we have experienced a new phenomenon.  Maybe you have as well...when it rains it pours...dogs.
The Hausfrau has for months been wanting to breed our farm dog (a purebred Aussie) and sell puppies.  Part for the money, part for the want of a puppy, part as insurance that when/if the farm dog dies...there's a replacement.  Searching for another purebred Aussie (unpapered) within the Wife's required hour travel radius has not been easy.  Search has been limited.
Meanwhile, the farm is purchasing a Great Pyrenees puppy to guard the meat chickens we produce in the summer...keeping the predator issues at a minimum would be maximum. The search for the farm (as the Wife is not the one driving) has been much expanded.
Wouldn't you know the two would be found within days of eachother?!  Isn't that just the way it works?
On one end of the farm we have housed in a chicken pen a "polar bear" puppy.  She's nine weeks old.  She's absolutely adorable and squeeze-ably soft. The Farmer's Daughter is in love.  She's announced she'll never get married or have children, just this one "polar bear".
On the other end of the farm we have crated in the house a "brown bear" puppy.  He's seven weeks old. He's absolutely fluff-ably soft and roly-poly cuteness.  The Hausfrau is in love.  She's announced she will have the cutest puppies ever and the best herding dog on the farm.
The farm dog we have has been the "Queen Bee" of the farm for five years.  She feels totally inundated with puppies from every angle.  Of course, the Hausfrau has plans that she will have her own litter of puppies... but to not have even been pregnant and all of the sudden have puppies...everywhere, puppies!!! She's a little discombobulated.  She feels as though the sky has been falling.  Or maybe...it's that the "Dog-days" of winter are here.

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