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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Dear Farmer vs. Ground Bees

Dear Farmer has two allergies...broccoli (which he didn't know existed before he married the Wife) and bees.  Prior to Dear Farmer being a full-time farmer the whole bee-allergy wasn't too big a deal.  Stay away from landscaping in the spring and fall and you're pretty good.  Now, however, Dear Farmer is always in the landscaping.  So, in the past five years Dear Farmer has gotten stung once each year...this year was no different. Dear Farmer isn't just allergic...it can be deadly. So, each year we arm the arsenal cabinet with a couple more new and exciting wonders "just in case".  The other day the Wife was thinking of the arsenal cabinet, and wondering if it was up to snuff  when the Farmer's Daughter came in with a puffy lip.  She had been stung!  Quick as a wink, her dear older sister zoomed and retrieved a beautiful bottle of essential oil and before we could do anything else, the oil was on the Farmer's Daughter's face and the swelling and sting was gone.  The Wife made mental note of the oil, looked in the cabinet and also made note of several other things missing which we would get on our next shopping trip.  Apparently Dear Farmer did not get the memo...today he was stung while moving the manure pile.  He ran inside shouting "STUNG, STUNG!" and tearing off his clothing.  The family went into action: the Baby was passed to the House Frau(Farmer's Daughter No.2), the Pied Piper of the Farm-boy Trio ran to get the bath salts, Honorable Son No.1(on his way home) retrieved the antihistamines,  and the Wife grabbed the oil.  Dear Farmer swelled and hived, but he was anointed and bathed quicker than you could imagine!  Pizza was ordered for dinner and Dear Farmer was breathing just fine.  Whew!  Crisis averted!  We're not challenging the bees to a duel, but if it happens again, we feel pretty prepared.

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