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Monday, July 27, 2015

Great Joke!

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna and a pot of glue?

you can tuna'piano, but you can't piano a tune.

What's with the pot of glue?

thought you'd get stuck with that one!

Heard this from Honorable Son No.1, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend.  There's a lot of days when we're just so tired from working, we forget to laugh.  Laughter, however, is needed in the Wife's life.  If the Wife doesn't laugh, she gets really cranky...and that doesn't make for a happy family.
So when Honorable Son No.1 called the Wife with this joke, well...it needed to be shared!  Laugh with the Wife!  The dishes will be easier to wash, the children will seem happier, and the laundry will still need to be washed. On the farm the jobs seem endless, it's good to laugh endlessly as well.

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