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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Dear Farmer and Family stop traffic

Yes, you read the title correctly.  No, we didn't go walking out in public, we literally stopped traffic on the road...here's the story...
Dear Farmer ordered equipment, shipping here from Texas.  Should have been here a week ago, and the fields need the (fill in the blank) on them, Dear Farmer was getting antsy.  So, Dear Farmer is out on a date with the Wife (awww) to Menard's and while in the check out line he gets the phone call...equipment is coming on a semi truck at 6pm.  Date, done.  Dear Farmer and the Wife scoot back home to be ready for the semi-truck to come.  He says to the Wife, "Well, our date isn't really over.  We're just re-directing it to the road outside the house.  You can make sure cars stop while I'm on the tractor unloading the equipment."  How romantic, Dear Farmer, Wife, and semi-truck driver...in the middle of the road unloading farming implements.
Upon arrival home, however, the children see Dear Farmer and Wife.  "You're home! You're home!" Is shouted inside the house and out in the yard.  Date, done...officially.  Up onto the instructor seat goes the Little Farmhand.  Looking down, the Wife has a couple very sweet little Farmer's Daughters holding her hands.  Out goes the entourage to the road, the dog and couple cats and a chicken following.
There were no cars while we were awaiting the arrival of the semi-truck, but once he pulled up, suddenly traffic started!  Thankfully, the near-by Veggie Farmer came over and helped stop traffic on one side of the semi (The semi was blocking his driveway, so he really had no choice, but he did help so kindly.  Thank you, Veggie-Man!), while the Wife and Farmer's Daughters stopped traffic on the other side of the semi.  Our usual protocol is: stop car.  make sure it is safe on other side of truck.  allow car to go ahead.  while car passes, smile and wave.  The cars were coming in a steady stream, so we were needing to stop three or four at a time, and alternating directions of traffic, this was quite a task.  The Farmer's Daughters, however, looked too sweet while smiling and waving!  It may have been the Tu-Tu's they were wearing.
About a half hour later, traffic was able to flow freely again, the semi-driver and truck were on their way further north, and Dear Farmer had his implements and was looking forward to using them the very next day.

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