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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How about a cat?

There is a road that divides the farm, it makes life...interesting....
The Farmer's Daughter initially started breeding the "elusive" blonde tabby for farms, it was a struggling business.  The hardest part was keeping the cats alive.  She was caring for them well, but barn cats live outside...in barns...which means they walk outside wherever they feel like.  Apparently they really like to sunbath on warm concrete...like the road.
Unfortunately, like cats usually do, they seemed to feel that the cars were in their way-not that they were in the cars way. And so, they did not move when cars came...smoosh.
We're not trying to be hard-hearted, but that is life, the survival of the smartest. We stopped counting how many died...the death toll was astronomical. At the same time, the cats were reproducing at an almost ridiculous rate. At one point in time she had eighteen kittens, and no one was buying them!
She began giving them away...buy one, get one free...and "ding-dong ditching" them on doorsteps(people we knew wanted them).  Cats were urged to follow neighbors home, and tossed in departing cars. Desperation had set in.
Thankfully the herd is now under control-somewhat-but we still have the kittens available at any time, if you want one!  They are excellent "mousers" and do a great job begging to get in the house(which is NOT happening!). Hey, you! You want a cat?!

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