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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Laundry Lines

Through the years Dear Farmer has blessed the Wife with different laundry lines.  The first was a line under three walnut trees, in a neighborhood where country hospitality was not, and birds thought that the line was their target-practice.  The second was an umbrella line.  That worked well for about five years.  The line had a hole in the backyard for nice weather, and Dear Farmer filled a bucket of cement for inside use with a woodstove running.  The next was a line strung between two oak trees using an old hammock frame.  Balance was delicate so a support pole in the middle was needed, and eventually the lines disintegrated.  The current line, uses the old hammock frame, but was made more like your fence line, so that as the lines loosen, it can be tightened(Dear Farmer hates drooping lines).  It all goes well until Dear Farmer sees it needs to be tightened...and there's a load of laundry hanging on it.  So, he went to tighten the lines, and instead the weight of the laundry pulls the lines down, the entire thing landed on the ground.  The Wife tries not to think of the amount of chicken poop on the ground where her clean laundry landed....
Two Farmer's Daughters, the Wife and a frustrated Dear Farmer got the line back up(and drooping) in about fifteen minutes.  The quest for the perfect laundry line continues....

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