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The world of the Dear Farmer and Family is opened to you as we share our daily experiences.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Farmer's Daughter Raises Kittens

Sometimes we like to think that we raise beef cattle, chickens, or hay. However, the Farmer's Daughter raises... kittens.  Ahh, the joy of childhood entrepreneurship.  While Dear Farmer was preparing to sell chicken feed, Honorable Son No.1 was preparing to sell beef, chicken and eggs, and Honorable Son No.2 was preparing to peddle pumpkins...the Farmer's Daughter wanted to make a buck.  Can't blame her, money does come in handy.  The Wife told her to look at everything she had and see if there was anything she wanted to sell.  The answer came back with "I have an abundance of kittens."  In went the add in the local advertiser...she had eight kittens, the add cost three dollars, there was a five dollar profit to be made!
The Farmer's Daughter, was able sell off litter number one with a tidy sum in her pocket, but the profits didn't quite come in for litter number two.  So we had a couple of kittens that hung around and grew to be cats. Now we had three cats having kittens.  Three cats, two litters a year of an average of five kittens!  Kittens were coming out of our ears.  (The Wife didn't have to worry about mice, thankfully.) A feral cat, seeing the lovely home for adoption we were running, decided this was the perfect farm to bring her kittens to.  We see her every six months, she deposits her kittens and leaves again. The Farmer's Daughter isn't quite turning a great profit these days.  She gives away more kittens than she sells.  If people ask what she does on the farm, she'll sweetly reply, "I raise kittens.  Would you like one?"

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