Dear Farmer was asked a question tonight at dinner..."Who has been the biggest influence in your life?"
He looked around the table. The whole family was there. Something that doesn't happen often enough anymore...
There was a time when it was just Dear Farmer and the Wife. They dreamed about winning the lottery. Two people with a million dollars, they had it spent! Alas, they never had a ticket, it was all just a dream.
Scrimping and saving.
Giving and living without.
Rejection of "wants and desires", but the joys of each need being filled.
Somehow, year by year, the most important thing became Family.
Each set of eyes staring back at him were a monument to a time when he learned,
a time when he sacrificed,
a time when he overcame!
He was blessed by each one of those children countless times.
More than they will ever know.
Not until they are parents, will they was worth it all!
He'd do it all again...the scrimping and saving,
the giving,
the living without,
the never-having-it-all, but the just-having-enough...
he'd do it all again in a heartbeat!
Dear Farmer's answer was perfect..."Your Mother. Without her, none of you would be here."
I Love this Farmer!!!
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