The Wife got called out to the hay barn early this morning by Dear Farmer, he had a calf down. He simply said, "We've got to TRY!"
The Wife has learned to grow some thick skin-especially here on the farm. She assessed the situation: a calf, alone, down in mud(because they always go to the worst location, never the best), having seizures. There was truly no way to fix this.
However, Dear Farmer is in the business of Life. Seems strange, as he raises cattle for your table, but he's genuinely in the business of raising, not killing...and for sure not letting "the least of these" die alone in the mud.
It took two hours. The Wife and Dear Farmer setting up bedding and pen, hauling the calf(they weigh a lot!) from behind the barn in muck up to our knees to inside the barn-protected from the weather. Then we cleaned the mud off the calf and warmed organic buttermilk and creame to spoon feed her.
The background of the story is, this calf had a mother who loved her and cared for her, but somehow the mother broke her foot and had to be sent to butcher. The calf had done pretty well after that, while the herd was on grass, but since moving to the hay barn had set herself apart from the herd. Dear Farmer was watching her slip away...he was hoping it wouldn't get to this point. He wanted her to THRIVE! But it doesn't appear she will.
For now, she is comfortable and loved on. Resting on a clean bed of hay in a warm barn. Chickens happily laying on top of her and around her. The dog coming in and licking her nose periodically. The children spoon feeding her and petting her.
This is the hard part of organic farming: letting nature do it's thing and trying to have little involvement. But when it comes to valuing every life-Dear Farmer is at the top of the list! No matter how difficult, messy, or long...nothing gets left alone or behind.
Aw! I hope she makes it!