Yes, that's right! He's a father of eleven beautiful children. Eleven individuals, so different from eachother that sometimes it's hard to believe they are related. Dear Farmer always wonders, "If one plus one equals is it that we have so many different variations(2.3, 2.6, 2.7...)? Shouldn't they always be a two?"
How does he do it? Well, he'll be the first to tell you:
1. He doesn't do it alone.
He and the Wife manage the family together, with God as a guide. It's a partnership. Two "Super Heroes" fighting for the family! If God is for us, who can be against us?!
2.They didn't all come at once.
When Honorable Son No.1 first came, it was new and different. There was times it was thought, "How could we have more?" And times when there was the thought, "How many more can we have?" But his children have come in ones and twos, slowly building to the point where there's now eleven. As Dear Farmer sits at the dinner table, he's very comfortable. It's not overwhelming, it's love.
3.You can't be a Lone Ranger.
When you're a father, you can't have your own space, things or time. There's always someone else depending on you, someone else in need of something else, and someone else to be with. There's times when Dear Farmer puts on his mask and hops up on his horse, ready to save the defenseless. Still, in the back of his mind, he knows there's a plate being kept warm on the stove for him, and child waiting to be kissed by his scruffy whiskers before they fall asleep.
Able to leap small children in a single bound, faster than a texting teenager, blessed beyond his wildest dreams!
He's "Super"-Father!
And he is loved.
Happy Father's Day, Dear Farmer!
Dear Farmer's a Father...what's your super power?
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